Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Death of Superman

One of the most tragic and comic book world altering events was the Death of Superman. The legendary Man of Steel who saved the world time and time again from greedy, sinister villains was killed in the Death of Superman series. Superman who continues to be every child's favorite hero was born in 1938. This was a crucial time where many Americans needed a super hero, someone to let them know that everything would be alright and that they were protected. It is interesting that the birth of superman can at a time when the Second World War was erupting.

Despite being a comic, there was certainly a lot of political backdrop. Where kids saw superman as a cool hero that was super strong and could do anything, adults noticed the parallels of Superman breaking through the Iron Curtain which symbolized the Soviet Union. Kryptonite was Superman's only weakness. Other than that he was indestructible. So why did Superman have to die? Some speculate that he was no longer an interest to the public...well tell that to the millions of people that go to ComicCon festivals and the new superman movie coming out.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Read Comics Online - An Offshoot for Valuable Entertainment

The humor media, which is a combination of the art of sketching and of writing, is even offered on the web making it far more accessible to those people who are interested in comics. Considering that the public are now able to read comics online, many people get more opportunities to find and read comic books that are of their passion.

With the ability to read written comedy on the web can help people select the comics they really want in an easier and quicker option. Simply search for it on the internet, and within seconds, you will get the comics that you have been searching for.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Is It Possible to Become Batman?

Every child who has donned a cape and ran around the backyard has been asking the question, "Could I be a superhero?" Dr. Zehr answers this question with his detailed analysis of the possibility of becoming a superhero in Becoming Batman.

One of my earliest memories involving Batman occurred when I transformed into the Dark Knight for a kindergarten Halloween party. As I ran around in that "Adam West" style costume, one of the teachers remarked that my eyes were "perfect" for the mask. That level of authentication began a lifelong fascination with everything related to the Dark Knight. As I grew older, I realized what it is that attracts most to Batman - his character represents a common archetype - the hero.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Iron Man - Is Building Such a Body Suit Possible?

Sometimes, when making an emphatic point to students, a teacher's best intentions do not always accomplish what he thinks they should. As an unashamed Batman devotee, once upon a time I made a passing reference to the greatness of The Dark Knight as a prelude to one of my lessons. Prior to delving into the world of mathematics with this group of high school students I said something akin to, "Just imagine-a mere man who became a tremendous superhero. No one could be as great as Batman." Without missing a beat, one of the students in the middle of the class piped up, "Have you ever heard of Iron Man?" With tongue-in-cheek, I told him I did, but I would only award extra credit for receipt of Batman paraphernalia.

As comic book denizens will know, Iron Man is the invention of Tony Stark, a 30-something genius inventor who inherited Stark Industries from his father at the tender age of 21. Prior to that, at age 15 his penchant for brilliance took him to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he would earn two college degrees: one in physics and the other in engineering. On the most recent Forbes Fictional 15, his net worth of $9.4B places him at the number six slot - two spots above the much more conservative true identify of Batman, Bruce Wayne (Whose $7B net worth is still nothing upon which to sneeze.). Incidentally, he is right behind #5 Jed Clampett (The Beverly Hillbillies), but oil inheritance and country living doesn't sell any comic books.